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Mental health counseling
Heather FitzHarris, LCSW, CCTP

Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is an evidenced-based form of psychotherapy that utilizes rapid eye movements to help address common problems such as depression, anxiety, phobias, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is not the same at Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), however they both use eye movements. ART helps resolve issues by connecting pieces of information that are already stored in the memory. The brain, while focused on a problem and concurrently using eye movements, makes new connections with a person's strengths and problem solving abilities. ART is a very focused eye movement therapy and, as such, has produced quick, effective, and safe results in treating anxiety, depression, phobias, relationship issues, and grief, to name a few. 

When initially thinking about your problem during therapy, you may feel some of your usual unease about it. Clients quickly pass beyond their anxiety or sadness to first experience calm and then, as their problem loses its hold on them, relief. At the completion of ART treatment, the evidence to date shows that the changes you make will be long-lasting. 


You will be in total control of the therapy. This is not hypnosis and you will be speaking to me just as you would during a session that does not involve eye movements.  I will ask you to use ART's Degree of Intensity scale to indicate the intensity of the emotions related to your problem by sliding an indicator on the scale. I will have you follow a dot on your computer screen with your eyes while you think about your problem. I will ask you to describe to me what you experience during the brief time of moving your eyes. Physical sensations will also be processed by using the eye movements so that disturbing sensations can disappear and positive feelings can be enhanced. In fact, using ART interventions, clients have often been able to replace a negative image with positive images. Subsequently, when clients think about their problem, it is the positive images they will recall. 

I will be asking you to notice and body sensations as we go along. Do not worry whether you are doing ART correctly as the eye movements tend to relax you and they do the work. I may ask you a direct question that you can focus on while using the eye movements. You may be better able to answer questions while using ART's eye movements because they increase your ability to solve problems. We may also use some creative visualization to aid in the resolution of your problem. As we begin ART, you may notice you are becoming calmer. which happens even with my most anxious clients. ART, although it is looking at troublesome events or problems in your life, often has a calming effect and the norm is for clients to leave the session feeling like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders. 

For more information and research studies, please refer to the following website:

Mental health counseling
Heather FitzHarris, LCSW, CCTP